Wednesday, February 2, 2011

January into February

Ok, really?  Is January already over?

Well, the Snowstorm of the Century is hitting us right now.

Here's a picture we took this morning... though it's really hard to tell just how high the snow is here. Oh, and it's still snowing!
Anyway, so onto my goals and such.
January was a great start.
My goals:
1.  Go to Jazzercise 4x a week average
2.  Spend 1 hour a week reconnecting with friends & family
3.  Spend 1 hour a week on hobbies
4.  Spend 2-4 hours a week on Career Advancement

I have to say the workouts are going the best.  I've gotten myself up to 4x a week of Jazzercise and last week I added running 7 miles to that total!  I'm thinking about running a 1/2 marathon in the spring, but beginning training in the winter is not easy (especially without treadmill backup).  Oh, and when it looks like this outside:
2.  Reconnecting with friends & family.  I guess I've spent 1 hour a week doing this, but not specifically going above & beyond to do so.  I'm going to try again next month, but won't hold myself to it TOO much, as maybe now isn't the best time to try to add too many new endeavors to my life.
3 & 4.  Hobbies & Career.  I'm going to say that I accomplished the time for these with all the wedding planning stuff I've been doing lately (which is coming along much better than before!).  Lots more to do, but it's getting there.  

For February I'm going to re-assess.  
1.  Continue with Jazzercise 4x a week average and add running (I've really been feeling AMAZING with all the workouts!)
2.  Reconnect with friends & family.  I'll continue this as I have been, and maybe send out more e-correspondences in the meantime.
3.  Hobbies.  I think I'll keep this 1 hour a week goal reserved for wedding planning.
4.  Career time, needs to happen.  Goal this month is to finish my portfolio and resume updates. 

So there it is.  February is going to be great (and short!), and I already have a TON planned for the month.
Maybe I should add to my goals to blog more?  

How are your goals going?

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